For MLK Day, you’ll likely see many of Dr. King’s most well-known quotes about peace and love grace your timelines. This year, however, we challenge you to push past the repackaged, often sanitized narrative of MLK. It's time to recognize & celebrate the radical revolutionary who called on those with privilege to reject the comfort of the status quo and take action to make a difference. Today (and everyday), examine your role in the fight for civil liberties for all. Recommit to this fight by taking an active role in activities that directly support the lives of the marginalized & underserved. “Everybody can be great…because anybody can serve.” |
Support local & POC-owned restaurants
Volunteer in your community
Support efforts to improve mental health
Support first responders/ essential workers
| Anti-racism work
Combat climate change & help the environment
Help our youth
We encourage you to use this list as a starting point for your day of service. There are unlimited opportunities for you to serve the world around you. Let’s get to work!
Dani & Dom
All things fitness, health, wellness & community - periodt.